Horizon Outreach is actively engaged in the community. Some of the notable accolades Horizon Outreach has received are: 2 Congressional Certificates of Recognition from Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, 2 Proclamations from Mayor Annise Parker proclaiming November 8th as Horizon Eagle Day and March 22nd as Horizon Outreach Day. In addition, we received recognition from Mayor Anise Parker in support of her initiative to House 100 Heroes in 100 Days by providing supportive services to homeless veterans. In addition, Horizon Outreach has had several articles featured in the Houston Chronicle regarding our organization.

Since 2010, Horizon Outreach has diligently supported the Annual HUD mandated Homeless Count by volunteering to count the number of homeless individuals and families in the city of Houston. Our Founder and CEO, Katrina Johnson has served diligently as the Captain of various staging area during the annual homeless count. Under her watch, she has successfully managed teams of 60 plus volunteers. Overall, their team was responsible for counting over 3,702 homeless individuals at their assigned location over the course of 9 years. The homeless count ensures national funding is allocated to our community to serve those in need.

Since 2011, our hallmark program, The Horizon Eagle Program has promoted responsible fatherhood among 8,000+ fathers. This program utilizes evidenced-based programming that teaches fathers healthy relationship, healthy parenting and job readiness skills. Fathers receive workforce certifications which creates a career pathway to employment.

Historically, over 62% of the men in the program obtain sustainable employment. In addition, 98% receive career certifications.